About Me

Let Me Introduce Myself

My name is Juan Becerra and I’m a software engineer with a specialization in gameplay, game tools, and game engine programming.

I’m a computer science graduate of Boise State University where I focused heavily on game development, real-time computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and classical artificial intelligence.

I'm well versed in multiple programming languages, such as:

... and I'm well versed in multiple tools and frameworks, such as:

However, I recognize that these are simply tools for getting the job done. I’m always looking to expand my knowledge and adapt new technologies.

Currently, I work as a Software Engineer at Electronics Arts / Maxis Studios, working with various gameplay, engine, and development tools features. As someone that’s extremely passionate about video games, I definitely feel fortunate to have landed in this industry and team!

Besides work, I typically spend my free time playing video games, road and mountain biking, hanging out with friends, going to the gym, and getting the occasional wedding/bar gig playing electric bass!

Thanks for checking out my website! Feel free to navigate to my Resume for expanded work and school experience, Portfolio for project repositories and demos, Blog for technical and game design posts, and Contact for information about how to reach me.