
What I've Done

For a more comprehensive work and education summary, check out my LinkedIn or General Resume PDF (links on bottom).


Where I've Worked

Electronic Arts / Maxis Studios

Software Engineer (May 2021 - Present)

I currently work as a Software Engineer at EA-Maxis, a game studio responsible for popular titles such as “Spore” and “The Sims 4”. Here, I’ve implement various low-level game engine features using a mixture of Unreal 4, C++, and the studio’s proprietary engine. In addition, I rapidly prototype gameplay features and systems, diligently cooperate on ambiguous engineering tasks, and challenge tight deadlines head-on.

Lionbridge Technologies

Senior Games Test Engineer (Aug. 2020 - Oct. 2020)

I worked as a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer at Lionbridge Technologies, an outsources functional and localization testing firm for video games. Here, I created well-documented bug reports in issue tracking software through a combination of combinatorial, tree, regress, and ad-hoc testing methodologies. I felt that I was especially effective here given my previous knowledge of game engine and gameplay programming.

Outbox EDU

Software Engineer Intern (July 2020 - Sep. 2020)

I remotely interned as a Unity/C# developer working on Skoolly, an interactive platform where students can complete online coursework and learn new languages through gamification. I was tasked with a prototype where players would control a Tetris-like game with multilingual voice support and kid-friendly mechanics. In this startup environment, I worked closely with a small team of artists, designers, and programmers to integrate this prototype into the Skoolly platform.

TurnUp Activism

Software Engineer Intern (May 2020 - Aug. 2020)

In this start-up environment, I interned as a team lead for a TurnUp Activism, a web and mobile application for youth activism organizations and networking. In terms of development, I worked on cross-platform APIs in Node.js, which interacted with Firebase cloud functions. In terms of project management, I was responsible for handling pull requests and planning features for a small team of interns.

Boise State University

Undergraduate Research Assistant (Jan. 2020 - May. 2020)

In this research position, I helped developed a distributed content production pipeline intended for Boise State University’s “World Museum” project. I worked with graduate students to research and implement computer imaging processing and compression techniques in order to develop out web-based digital asset management system. I was also completely responsible for designing and implementing database schemas for our asset tagging system. Learn more here.

Boise State University

Learning Assistant (Sep. 2019 - May 2021)

In this on-and-off part-time work study, I provided Boise State students with tutoring session about object-oriented design principals, test-driven development, and elementary data structures. I frequently aided students (in-person and over Zoom) in debugging and reviewing their Java programming projects. I also assisted in refactoring the auto-grading program for the updated class curriculum.


What I've Learned


Languages, Tools, and Frameworks

I'm familiar with a variety of programming languages, including:

  • C/C++
  • Java
  • C#
  • Python
  • JavaScript

I'm also experienced in multiple games related tools and frameworks, including:

  • Unreal Engine 4/5
  • Unity
  • Rendering APIs (OpenGL, Direct3D, Vulkan)

I leverage these skill and utilize them in multiple different games-related fields, including:

  • Gameplay Programming
  • Metagame Systems
  • Game Engine Systems
  • Real-Time Rendering
  • Classical Artificial Intelligence
  • Development Tools
  • Automated Testing and Integration

Boise State University

B.S. Computer Science (2017 - 2021)

In May 2021, I graduated from Boise State University with my Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science. During my time there, I focused heavily on topics related to game development, real-time computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and classical artificial intelligence.

Here are a few of the noteworthy courses that I completed:

  • Data Structures
  • Algorithms
  • Version Control and Agile Development
  • Computer Graphics (Graduate)
  • Artificial Intelligence (Graduate)
  • Parallel Computing (Graduate)
  • Object-Oriented Design Patterns (Graduate)
  • 2D/3D Game Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Web Development
  • Linear Algebra
  • Engineering Statistics

While I learned a lot in University, it doesn't quite paint the full picture of my education (see the section below).

Beyond University

Non-Formal Education

Outside of University, I spent a lot of time learning about and experimenting with various game-related domains. Like many software engineers, I felt that my computer science education was great for learning theoretical aspects, but the most practical lessons came from taking on my own personal projects. Some of the noteworthy courses I took in my own time include the following:

  • Unreal Engine C++ Game Development (Udemy)
  • Advanced C# Scripting in Unity (Udemy)
  • Advanced C++ Programming (Udemy)
  • Shader Development for Unity with Cg (Udemy)
  • “The Cherno” Game Engine Development Series (YouTube)
  • “The Cherno” OpenGL Rendering Series (YouTube)
  • Vulkan API with C++ (Udemy)
  • Game Engine Architecture (Textbooks)
  • Game Design Patterns (Textbooks)

More often than not, these resources have directly led to me starting a personal project. Be sure to check my Portfolio to see some of them!

General Resume PDF